Sunday, February 23, 2014

Back at it.

Hey there folks. Sorry for the long hiatus, but I am back for more.

With the winter starting to wind down, as those warmer temp days approach, I want to talk about the change in food. This winter I have had great luck using orange woolys as well as a copper streamer in which I have been tying lately. These flashy fellows are still causing great numbers on their behalf but I cant help but notice a change in the attitudes of the SRCs.

As we approach the Spring you should start thinking about fry's. No, not McDonalds or Dicks fry's. The lively little guys that Cuttys go nuts over. I suggest you take a look into either tying your own chum fry patterns, or purchasing a decent amount of them. I have learned recently that no matter how many flies you think are enough, those sharp little teeth can ruin your day by destroying your supply. So tie A LOT! Tonight I tied a good number of fry patterns. Each varying in material. I intend to give each a try on my next outing to see which work best.

Another great fly, of course are clouser minnows. Although, I am going to try and stay away from these for a while. I have found a fondness for having near surface strikes. Nothing like a quick little bow wake and tail splash to get your heart pumping. The clousers seem to be just as effective, I just prefer the closer to surface fly. Either way get out there!!!

Tight Lines!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Saturday slayin!

Happy Saturday everybody. Today my post is more of a fishing report than anything else. This morning I was fishing in the Manchester area, and was able to land 8 cuttys in just under 2 hours! I was amazed at the amount of activity during the outgoing tide. I have only fished this area on an incoming tide and once on an outgoing. The last time was unsuccessful. Today I think the time and light was the crucial determining factor. I got to the beach just at sun up. I landed my first SRC about 5 minutes in and continued to get strikes nearly every other cast.

I'm going to try some other spots today on the incoming tide. I hope my luck continues haha. I will post later and let ya'll know how it went. Until then, Tight Lines!

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Good Vibes"

Good evening friends! Today I would like to show some appreciation for some people/companies who I personally respect in the world of fly fishing.

 I recently discovered several companies in which I am really stoked to have stumbles upon. The first is one in which is in the good ole North. This French Canadian group of friends has started an extremely trendy and modern take on the sport of fly fishing. I have been turned onto their company while looking at one of my go to sites for finding new fly fishing info and videos, Hooke has gained my support as well as a few of my closest fishing buds. They have kicked out some amazing footage and continue to add and expand, not only the sport of fishing, but the "vibes" in which all should indulge in while fishing. You should check out their website at or on their instagram @hookqc.

Another great company in which I just found is H&H outfitters. They are kicking out some awesome merch with some killer designs. I actually just picked up one of their new STLHD fly fishing t shirts. They are some up and coming owners of fantastic ideas and perspectives on the world of outdoor recreation. Give them a scope at or on their instagram @diyflykitdotcom.

I have to give a shout out to my local fly fishing shop that is run by a truly experienced staff. Peninsula Outfitters in Poulsbo Washington is doing it right. They have given me excellent advice on anything from gear, fly tying, fishing spots and classes. Check them out at Be sure to support your local fly shop as well. 

Until next time, Tight Lines!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Waiting for the tides.

Good morning and welcome all. Another wonderful day here in the Pacific Northwest while I have been fishing in Manchester Wa. Today like to talk a little bit about scoping the spot.

Today this came up while I was arriving at my usual spot. I noticed not much surface action or any at all really. I thought I would try another location just down the beach. I have been realizing in certain locations tide is key, while in other it's not as important. In some spots if it's isn't doing what the fish like,  sometimes it's better to just go and have breakfast and then come back when the time is right.

In the Manchester area, the sea run cutthroat seem to be more active during an incoming tide after about an hour from the low slack. I prefer fishing early during the sunrise time or on cloudy days. Luckily in Washington, as some of you may know,  we have cloudy days quite often.

As I write this, I must say that a fantastic place to pass the time as the tide is finishing it's slack, is the quaint Family Inn just down the road in Manchester. If you're ever in the area give them a try. They occasionally make an amazing cinnamon roll french toast that will make your day if no fish has yet.

Tight Lines!